Medication Abortion (Abortion Pill) is a safe and effective non-surgical abortion for patients up to 11 weeks of pregnancy.
How it Works
Medical abortion commonly known as abortion pill or medication abortion is a combination of two medications used to terminate the pregnancy up to 11 weeks.
The first pill will be taken in our center. It blocks progesterone, a hormone needed to continue the pregnancy.
Several hours after taking it, you will take a second set of pills in the privacy of your own home. This medication gently softens and opens the cervix so that the discontinued pregnancy can pass through.
Medical abortions are 95-98% effective in completely ending an early pregnancy.
The medication abortion usually works, but if it doesn’t, we will help with further care. You may be able to take more medication or have an in-clinic abortion procedure.
Benefits to choosing a medical abortion
Most patients choose the abortion pill to avoid having an in-office procedure.
These patients often say that a medication abortion seems less invasive. They also feel more in control. Some patients prefer to have their abortion experience at home.
Many patients also state that the abortion pill method seems to be more “natural” because it is similar to a miscarriage.
What to expect during a medical abortion
- Every patient who chooses a medication abortion (abortion pill) will talk with a health educator in the clinic.
- Though not every abortion pill experience is the same, most patients report that bleeding and cramping begin within 2-7 hours of taking the 2nd set of pills. Usually, the heaviest bleeding/cramping decreases within 24 hours. We advise all patients how to manage bleeding.
- We will also review with you how to manage pain and cramping. 10-15% of patients may experience other normal side effects. These include nausea, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or chills. We will prescribe medication to help with nausea and vomiting.
- We highly recommend that patients choosing the abortion pill have at least 1-2 days off.
Cost for medical abortions
The cost of a medication abortion differs by medical facility and state.
Contact our abortion clinic closest to you for more information on cost.
Follow-up Care
A follow-up exam is not necessary after a routine uncomplicated abortion.
Before leaving the clinic on the day of your abortion we will review how to best take care of yourself at home, this will include medications, monitoring bleeding and when to take a pregnancy test. It is advised that you do not test for pregnancy at home prior to 4 weeks after your medication abortion as the pregnancy hormone can still be present for several weeks after your abortion.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the clinic to talk with a member of our staff. A follow up exam is available to you at no cost if you prefer to be seen in person.
Financial Assistance
Need help paying for your abortion
There are several funding resources that offer financial assistance for abortion services.
All of our locations are members of the National Abortion Federation; the National Abortion Federation has some funding available to assist patients with the cost of abortion care.
A simple telephone screening questionnaire can determine the level of funding that you qualify for.
All of our locations also work with regional and local funds that can assist with additional costs of care and/or funds to assist with the cost of traveling to access care.
Please call one of our offices for more information and assistance.
Summit Medical Centers is a member of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and Abortion Care Network (ACN).