Surgical Abortion available up to 24 weeks of pregnancy.
First Trimester Abortion Procedure
The first trimester abortion is a one-day procedure that typically lasts about 5 minutes.
For a one-day visit you will need to complete: paperwork, lab work, ultrasound, and a health education session specific to your procedure.
Second Trimester Abortion 14-18 weeks
A second trimester abortion is most often one-day procedures that last about 5-10 minutes.
Our providers will give you a medication before your abortion to soften or prepare the cervix. This makes dilation easier and safer.
In some cases, a two-day abortion procedure may be needed. At your appointment the provider will discuss everything with you in detail.
For a one-day visit you will need to complete: paperwork, lab work, ultrasound, and a health education session specific to your procedure.
If a two-day visit is necessary, you will receive instructions on the first day of what you can expect on the 2nd day.
Second Trimester abortion over 19 weeks
- For later 2nd trimester abortions, we will need for you to make 2 visits over the course of 2-days.
- In cases of multiple visits, you’ll complete everything you would for a one-day visit: paperwork, lab work, ultrasound, and a health education session specific to your procedure on the first day.
- We’ll then give you care instructions and medications to help to begin dilation of the cervix before going home. This may include laminaria (a sterile seaweed that expands) which is inserted into the cervix to aid slow, gentle dilation, making the surgical procedure safer.
- The next morning you will return to our center to complete your abortion procedure.
For a two-day visit you will need to complete: paperwork, lab work, ultrasound, and a health education session specific to your procedure and you’ll receive additional instructions of what you can expect on the 2nd day.
Before your surgical abortion
Because each patient, doctor, and clinic is different, be sure to call your selected Summit Medical Center for instructions and answers to specific questions.
To prepare for your visit
- Each patient must call or request an appointment online to schedule her own abortion appointment. We will protect your privacy.
- For Georgia, legally, you must make your appointment by phone at least 24 hours in advance and can only receive abortion care up to the state limit.
- You must bring a valid ID with you to the office.
- If you are using health insurance or have state assistance, bring your insurance card with you.
- Payment is due at the beginning of the appointment.
- Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew anything beginning at midnight on day of your appointment.
- Do not use drugs or alcohol for 48 hours prior to your appointment. It is usually OK to take your prescribed medicines; please mention any when you make your appointment.
- Wear comfortable clothes for your appointment.
- We provide pads, so we recommend that you wear underwear.
- For security reasons, we ask that you leave purses or bags in your car, and we do not allow phones in some parts of the clinic.
- If you select to have anesthesia for your abortion, you will need a friend or family member to drive you home after your abortion.
- If you are under 18 years of age, contact your local office to ask if there are additional requirements for minors.
When you arrive
- Staff will greet you at the reception desk and give you paperwork. The forms require your contact information, medical history, and other important details.
- If someone is dropping you off and returning later, they must first come into the center to sign paperwork stating that they will come back to pick you up.
- You’ll meet for a medical intake session and will complete basic lab work.
- Our sonogram technologist will do an ultrasound to determine length of pregnancy.
- All patients will have a health education session to discuss their decision and to answer any questions or concerns.
- The health educator will advise you what to expect during and after your surgical or medical abortion, and go over all instructions you may need.
- We also provide an opportunity to discuss birth control options, including same-day IUDs and implants.
- Our well-trained and caring staff will be with you throughout the entire procedure.
Before your surgical abortion
- After your health education session, you will go to the exam room for the abortion procedure.
- The physician will review your medical history with you, and answer any questions or concerns you have.
- Your surgical abortion will be performed, and should take about 5-8 minutes (in the 1st trimester).
Follow-up Care / What to Expect
Immediately after your (surgical) abortion:
A nurse or medical staff person will bring you to the recovery room, where you’ll rest for about 3-60 minutes.
The nurse will give you medicines to help with cramping, which is a normal and common part of abortion recovery.
The nurse will monitor your condition closely (heart rate, temperature, bleeding, oxygenation, blood pressure).
If you feel hungry, we provide a snack and a drink.
Before leaving the center
We will provide a list of aftercare instructions and medicines to take home, including birth control if you would like.
We will also be sure to give you a 24-hour number that you can call with any questions or concerns. Someone is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
When you’re ready to go home, we will contact your ride and help escort you to your car.
For the rest of the day
We suggest you plan to have the rest of the day off in a safe and comfortable place.
You should have access to a telephone, and if possible, a supportive partner, friend, or family member nearby.
Though there are no food/drink restrictions after an abortion, we recommend eating lightly and drinking plenty of water.
It is best to avoid recreational drugs and alcoholic beverages.
What you will experience
You will experience some cramping and bleeding (similar to a period, but it is normal to have more) in the days to come.
Please use sanitary pads only (no tampons), and ibuprofen (Motrin) or other non-aspirin medications to ease discomfort.
You may return to normal activity as you feel ready. However, we recommend you wait several days before beginning strenuous exercise routines and/or heavy physical labor and activities.
If you are starting or resuming birth control, follow the start-date instructions your doctor gives you.
Most patients will begin their birth control pills, ring, or patch as soon as possible after their procedure.
NOTE: Many people ovulate soon after the abortion, so if you are not ready to be pregnant, it is best to use birth control and/or condoms.
Things to avoid
Nothing should go inside the vagina for at least one week (this is to prevent infection as the body returns to a non-pregnant state).
- tampons
- intercourse, sex toys
- douching, feminine sprays
- swimming, baths, hot tubs/jacuzzi
Bleeding and cramping after your abortion may last only a few hours or days. It is also normal to have light or heavy spotting or even period-like bleeding for several weeks.
While it is difficult to determine exactly what to expect, most patients will be back to their regular menstrual cycle within six weeks.
Details and Guidelines:
Post-Operative Instructions (English)
Instrucciones de pos cirugia (Español)
A follow-up exam is not necessary after a routine, uncomplicated abortion.
Before leaving the clinic on the day of your abortion we will review how to best take care of yourself at home, this will include medications, monitoring bleeding and when to take a pregnancy test. It is advised that you do not test for pregnancy at home prior to 4 weeks after your medication abortion as the pregnancy hormone can still be present for several weeks after your abortion.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the clinic to talk with a member of our staff. A follow-up exam is available to you at no cost if you prefer to be seen in person.
Refer to our Frequently Asked Questions
Your abortion appointment includes
When you arrive at our clinic you will do the following:
- fill out paperwork
- basic lab work
- ultrasound
- health education session
- abortion procedure
- a short recovery time after the procedure
Summit Medical Center offers all patients medications to help with pain, antibiotics to prevent infection, and birth control.
Moreover, we are happy to provide resources about non-hormonal birth control methods.
Some patients may choose to have STD testing at this time. Counseling and treatment is available if you request it.
Cost for surgical abortions
The cost varies based on the length of the pregnancy.
Contact our abortion clinic closest to you for more information on cost. Abortions may be covered by health insurance. Check with your insurance provider.
Financial Assistance
Need help paying for your abortion
There are several funding resources that offer financial assistance for abortion services.
All of our locations are members of the National Abortion Federation; the National Abortion Federation has some funding available to assist patients with the cost of abortion care.
A simple telephone screening questionnaire can determine the level of funding that you qualify for.
All of our locations also work with regional and local funds that can assist with additional costs of care and/or funds to assist with the cost of traveling to access care.
Please call one of our offices for more information and assistance.
Summit Medical Centers is a member of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and Abortion Care Network (ACN).